Maternal and Child Health
You will often hear people say, “Children are a blessing”. I totally agree. I believe there is this innateunderstanding that children are important not just because they are cute (I have never seen an uglybaby), and they smell great (thank you, Johnson’s baby...
Health Equity and Disparities
What makes us sick continues to be a complex and intriguing question. We have gone from the thinkingof previous centuries that associated illness with superstition to understanding that small organismsthat we cannot see with the naked eye make us sick. We now...
Health Equity and Disparities
Health literacy has been defined as “The degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain,communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services to make appropriatehealth decisions.” Significant gaps exist between what the public or...
Health Equity and Disparities
How did the tallest oak tree in the forest get to be the tallest tree in the forest? Did it grow from a seedthat produces only tall, big trees? The answer to that question is no, according to the experts, as I amnot a botanist. Quercus, the oak tree genus, contains a...